Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Invention That Will Change the Lives of Shoppers

        Have you ever ordered an item online and realized that it was cheap and ugly when it arrived on your doorstep? I have a black belt in shopping but yes, I have experienced this. My mom ordered me a pair of TOMS shoes in size five for my birthday last year, and I was so excited when she told me. I have really small feet, ranging from sizes four through six, so I was not sure if I would fit perfectly in a size five. When my TOMS arrived in the mail, the color looked different from the picture online, and the shoes were one and a half inches too big! My mom was willing to exchange them, but I read online that it costs ten dollars to exchange shoes. Therefore, I decided to just keep them since they were already pretty expensive, and I did not want my mom to have to pay extra. I am dealing with them now by stuffing socks inside; it is not completely comfortable but it works. From then on, I have not ordered anything from online, but I really want to change that since some stores I like do not exist here.
            My invention called Shopping 101 will change the lives of many shoppers and even get anti-shoppers to get on board and start shopping. Shopping 101 is an application that will let you try on merchandise and taste samples of delicious cuisine right from your office chair. All you have to do is go to a store’s website, click “try on” or “taste sample”, and the clothing or food you desire to try will simply appear in the Shopping 101 Box connected to your computer. The clothing is just a hologram though and will only last five minutes once you take it out of the Box. The food sample is also computer generated and will not fill your stomach, but it will contain the exact taste and smell of the real thing. If this invention sky rockets in the marketing business, and I believe it will, I will sell Shopping 101 to more companies like Home Depot and let customers try tools and gadgets. This will be such a wonderful and useful invention!