Wednesday, August 14, 2013

More School Tips:)

School's coming up for me. I'm excited to use my new school supplies but not about studying.
Here are some tips for this school year. This is what works for me and I hope you find something that will help you!

•Quizzes & Tests:
-index cards: I divide one index card in half because I don't need that much room. I use it for everything, EV-E-RY thing! For vocab words, you can write the meaning on one side and the word on the other. I do the same for math formulas. With more detailed information like in science or literature, I make fill in the blanks within the information so that once I go through it I can recall what I know and fill in the blank and the next time I go through it it's already filled in. The index cards serve double purpose, kind of like when your teacher used to write the entire verse on the board and slowly erased all the words while you memorize it. When you have the blanks, the extra words give you clues, and then you can quiz yourself completely later (get it? haha sorry).
-write it out: It's the same process as the fill in the blanks index cards but this one you can outline into a notebook. I personally like the index cards better because the info is in smaller chunks.
-vocab lists: Last year, my English teacher gave us stems lists in table formats which were very handy. I just covered the definitions with a book and moved the book down each line, uncovering the meaning of the stems. If I forgot a stem's meaning, I would look at it and then go back to the beginning of the list and repeat the uncovering part till I knew all of the definitions by heart.
-type it up: During summer school, my history teacher only gave us skeleton notes (as in just the main heading and you had to listen for the extra stuff) and my notes were always kind of jumbled up because I kept adding things from other people's notes. US History was my only class so I had time to type everything out. It helped a lot to read over my notes and type them out into a neater copy. It also helped when I was studying for my finals.
-quiz each other: Ask a parent to quiz you on your notes. I'm very grateful for my parents' willingness! You and your friend can quiz each other either by the phone or in person. I don't do this on the night before a test because I get easily distracted by my friends. I will do this over the weekend sometimes and right before a class. Don't be afraid to ask a friend for help or their notes.

-locker crate: Instead of using a metal locker shelf, I use a plastic locker crate. It takes up more space in your locker but it doesn't collapse constantly like the metal locker shelves. Plus on your first and last days of school, you can just stuff everything into the crate and carry everything home in one "box."
-planner: Planners save your entire school year. You can put important meeting dates, tests, assignments. They are better than a simple notebook because they have the actual dates.
-index card holder: This year I'm going to try to use an index card holder because last year all my index cards kept falling to the floor. The holders have index card dividers to separate your different subjects.
-backpack: Make sure your backpack has enough room and back support. I have a messenger bag that is a little too small for all my books so I have to carry another bag.
-label your things: Don't be that kid who loses everything and has to pay $.25 every time at the Lost and Found. Label your most valuable possessions. Keep them locked up tight in your locker.
-make it fun: School supplies don't have to be boring. As a girl who likes art and sees the world in full color, school would be so much duller with same old, same old school supplies. You don't have to spend a lot to make your supplies fun. You can use colorful tape, scrapbook papers, colored pencils, sticker, and pictures to spice up your supplies. If you have a locker, try to make it your own, following the school guidelines, of course. It might be harder if you're a guy, but guys are also creative.
-be neat: If you don't have neat handwriting (when teachers talk so fast and there are a lot of notes, no one really has time for that), type it out. It's best if you're just neat in the first place.

•After School:
-relax: When I get home from school, I take a 30-60 min. break from school work. I eat a snack, read a book, watch some tv, take a shower, sometimes take a nap, and just relax. This will help you concentrate better later as you're doing your homework.
-get away from distractions: Put away your phone. I constantly like to check facebook and instagram and if I had my phone beside me, I wouldn't get anything done. Sit at a desk, not your bed. Laying on a bed works for some people, but when I do it I get more tired and too relaxed and eventually fall asleep. I only lay on my bed if the assignment is really easy and if my back is hurting from sitting too long.
-tackling your homework: Last year we had study tips given to us and they said that you should do the hardest assignments first. It's your own preference really. You can try different ways and see which one you prefer the most. I personally like to do the easiest/shortest amount of time to accomplish first and the hardest/longest last. For example: English grammar, math, then science. Or. Math, first half of English writing, science, last half of English writing. I usually do writing last because it is more fun and it's not really an assignment.
-take breaks: There are many suggestions by teachers who say you should take a break after every 45 min. or so for 10 min. What I do is I take a 10-15 min break every time I finish a subject. If one subject is short, I combine with another short one. If a subject is too long, I split it.

•During the Weekends:
-don't wait till Sunday afternoon: I usually relax Friday after school, do my hard (or all) homework and prepare study guides on Saturday, do my easy homework and study on Sunday. The weekend is the time to relax but don't procrastinate. You never know when one assignment will be harder than usual or if you've forgotten your notes.
-work ahead: (This doesn't have to be just over the weekend; work ahead during the week too.) This is why planners are important. You can look ahead and see if you have any possible tests or assignments clumped together. If you see a math test squeezed in the same day as your science test, start making flashcards. I try to make flashcards each day we take notes in science, because you never know when there's a pop quiz and to prepare myself and lighten my load the night before the actual test.

If I think of any more, I'll add them later!

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