Sunday, August 4, 2013

Last Monday, I got contact lenses! It was so hard to put in at first. The lady said to slide it side to side, up and down, and that took so long, but now I just stick them straight in. Taking them out is harder if your eyes are dry so I've used up a lot of my eye drops. Tomorrow I go back to tell them about how the contacts are and I have to tell them that my contacts aren't very sharp. They're blurry compared to my glasses.
On Tuesday, I got to hang out with my good friend, Ghevont. When we were swimming we found a bunch of coins in the bottom of the pool and we both got about 50 cents each lol. That's great since I have a big coin jar that I turn in every Christmas to buy people's gifts. We also watched Megamind which was really good! I love animated movies like that.
On Friday, I went school shopping! Why am I so excited about that? Well I'm not excited about going back to school and waking up at 6:30 am but I love shopping for school supplies. Usually I'm a big money saver and try to use up all my old stuff but I've been watching a lot of school supply hauls on youtube and that just fueled my back to school supply shopping spree. I'm still going to use some of my old stuff but I got a lot of new things. I got a new pencil case and it's shaped like piece of mail; it's so cute. I wish I could find some postage stamp patches to sew onto it! I also got a really cute binder with flowers all over it by the brand Pink Chandelier and an adorable floral planner by Green Room. And I'm ready to deck out my locker this year-- I got a cute cork board and I printed out some of my instagram pics. My next post will be about school essentials and tips!

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