Monday, June 25, 2012

Nothing Is Impossible with God

In my devotion this morning from Mark 6: 30-44, it reminded me of how powerful and compassionate Christ is.  When he saw all the people gathered around like stray sheep without a shepherd, He started teaching them.  And when His disciples were planning to turn the people away because they didn't have any food to give, Christ did the impossible.  He fed 5,000 men (women and children were there too!) with just 5 loaves and two fish!

How does this apply to me right now?
Well, where my family is traveling today (FL), there is a tropical storm named Debby.  It dampened my spirits when I head about it=(  But God can still blow it to a different direction or just make it disappear all together.  I really hope it stops raining and flooding there so my family can enjoy the amusement parks... but if it's God will for us to get more wet than planned, then so be it.  I just have to accept it and trust God.
I'm gonna keep on praying, though!

~Nothing is impossible with God


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